Military News Russia Ukraine War

17 UAV Strike Companies Have Already Been Created in the Ukrainian Army

The Ukrainian army has already created 17 UAV strike companies, said Mikhail Fedorov, head of the Ministry of Digital Development, at the iForum IT conference.

Also, according to him, the production of drones is developing. Fedorov said that if last summer only seven companies could sell drones to the state, today there are already 40 of them. And by the end of 2023, according to Mikhail Fedorov, there will be 60-70 such companies.

In total, there are about 200 drone manufacturing companies in Ukraine today. Some IT enterprises produce thousands of UAVs every month, the head of the Ministry of Digital Development said.

According to him, the triangle of primary tasks for Ukraine today looks like this: to increase the number of UAVs, satellite communication stations (Starlink, of which 40,000 have already been delivered to Ukraine), and the development of the doctrine of the use of drones according to NATO principles.

Mikhail Fedorov said that today UAVs are already becoming more effective than artillery on the battlefield. He also advocates their separation into a separate branch of the armed forces.

The war in Ukraine has been going on for 533 days. We follow the latest news and key events on August 10, 2023 online .

Earlier we summed up the results of the previous day. The Armed Forces of Ukraine again went on a large-scale attack on the Zaporozhye front. On the eastern flank of the Zaporizhzhya direction, battles are going on for Urozhaynoye on the Vremievsky ledge. The Ukrainian command also reports that the Russian Federation has concentrated its main offensive efforts in the Kupyansk direction.

Source : CTPAHA.UA
