Military News Russia Ukraine War

The “Vietnamese” Tactics of the Russian Federation, the “Paper Army” and the “Korean Scenario”. Soldier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine – About the Situation at the Front

Yesterday, Konstantin Proshinsky, a sniper of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (his real name is Andrei, call sign Grandfather), who is fighting near Bakhmut, said that it is now unrealistic for Ukraine to reach the borders of 1991 , and even 2022. And he said that the army would react normally to the freezing of the conflict according to the “Korean” scenario (truce and ceasefire along the front line).

In his interview with political scientist Yuri Romanenko, he also spoke in detail about his vision of the situation at the front as a whole. 

1. Mobilization. In his opinion, it is carried out incorrectly. Recruits are sent to the front who have not been trained by anyone, while they are often over 50 years old and with a whole bunch of diseases.

Moreover, the commanders regularly give orders to send these untrained people into battle, without even providing a few days for training already directly in the forward units (which is insisted on by junior commanders who will have to fight with this replenishment). 

According to Proshinsky, among the recruits recently sent to Bakhmut, the “youngest” was 52 years old. Among the rest were patients with tuberculosis, hepatitis and diabetes. These people were mobilized, allowed to spend the night at the military registration and enlistment office, and the next morning they were sent to Bakhmut. 

Many of these recruits, after the very first battle, where they observe a “full ass”, write a refusal to participate in hostilities, and they are not afraid of any responsibility.

Proshinsky says that writing a refusal to participate in hostilities does not entail criminal liability, since this is not desertion. Further, the applicant must be transferred to a support company, and soon such companies “will number thousands of people.”  

He also spoke out against the ban on men traveling abroad – both during and after the war. According to the military, in general, “tough mobilization” will not become a condition for victory, because “we will never win a war against Russia by numbers.”

2. No rotation. The military man says that “the same brigades” are fighting at the front, and people are not withdrawn from the front line for six months or more. While by Western standards they can be kept in a war zone for no more than three months. 

Proshinsky wonders why, with a total number of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of one million, about 300 thousand people are fighting on the front line (the sniper claims that this is open data). 

3. Behavior of middle and senior commanders.

According to Proshinsky, many of them are trying to set up a “mini-Stalingrad” on the positions, forcing them to launch frontal assaults on well-fortified Russian positions. 

He talks about how they tried to send his unit on the attack, where it was necessary to walk 7 kilometers to the high-rise of the Russians through open terrain shot down by the enemy. Very often fighters “crawl” such a distance for several days, and sometimes they have to come back with nothing. 

The reason for this, as the military sees, is that the army is saving military equipment, and it is extremely difficult to knock out the required number of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, mortars for an assault. Often linear rifle units are sent on the attack, armed only with machine guns, with minimal heavy weapons attached. 

He explains this situation with the installation of heavy equipment to save money.

“If the equipment is knocked out, it’s about two hundred reports in four copies that need to be written and sent … For a dead person, fill out two pieces of paper,” says Proshinsky. According to him, because of such bureaucracy, the headquarters military is called “UPA” – “Ukrainian paper army.” 

At the same time, according to him, there is a shortage of even cartridges for small arms in the army.

4. The army of the Russian Federation began to fight better. At first, they used frontal attacks more often, suffering heavy losses. Now they attack in groups of 6-12 people.

“They are learning. They have already begun to adapt to our method of warfare. Our method is quite successful – at least it was. But now we have caught up somewhere. At the same time, they have more people than we have, tanks, shells, guns, and so on “, he says. 

The enemy troops, among other things, dispersed their logistics. And, for example, they use ATVs to deliver food and ammunition to their units. “No one will spend shells on them. It flies up, unloads and flies back. We looked – a cool thing, and also began to buy ATVs,” says Proshinsky.

Also, the Russians, he said, began to use the tactics of the Vietnam War. They make deepenings in the green for 2-3 people, which go under the roots of trees.

If assault groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine approach their positions, the Russians “go under the roots” and call for mortar fire. Stormtroopers suffer losses and begin to retreat, and the Russians who have taken refuge under the roots remain unharmed. 

Then the military of the Russian Federation come out of hiding and begin to finish off the retreating group of the Armed Forces of Ukraine from a machine gun. 

Also, the Russians “have a lot more drones than we do,” including Orlans, which are quite effective. “You can’t hear him, you can’t see him – only at night by the lights. He conducts reconnaissance very well and clearly directs,” says Grandfather. 

The enemy has more portable electronic warfare systems. 

5. Proshinsky believes that Russia has not yet used much of what it has against Ukraine.

“If, relatively speaking, 30 missiles fly to Kiev, and we shoot them down. What if 300 missiles fly to Kiev in one day. Or 500 Shahids from all sides at once. Then the situation will be somewhat different, to put it mildly. Therefore, they could do a lot of things, but they don’t,” the military man says.

From this, he concludes that the Russians are now not inclined to fight further than to hold the current front line. And this, according to Grandfather, is likely to end the war.

Source : CTPAHA.UA
