Military News Russia Ukraine War

Ukrainian Troops Advanced on the Vremievsky Ledge and Achieved Results South of Bakhmut – General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The Ukrainian army advanced on the Vremievsky ledge on the southern front. Namely, in the direction of Harvest, to the south and southeast of Staromayorsky. There are also results south of Bakhmut.

This was announced by the representative of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Andrey Kovalev.

In the Kupyansky and Limansky directions, the Defense Forces continue to restrain the Russian army. Also, the Russians conducted unsuccessful offensive operations in the area of ​​​​Novokalinovoye, Avdeevka, Pobeda and Novomikhailovka, tried to counterattack in the vicinity of Kleshcheevka.

On the eve of the advancement of the Armed Forces of Ukraine near Urozhayny, Russian publics reported . And today, the so-called “head of the DPR” Denis Pushilin said that the Ukrainian forces withdrew to their original positions.

Map of hostilities in Ukraine
APU advanced in the south

Earlier, the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense stated that the main task of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the south is now to weaken the Russian Federation , since advancement is hampered by dense mining.

Source : CTPAHA.UA
